Mediation Services
Cindy Cook is skilled at mediating multi-party cases involving inter- and intra- agency issues, complex technical issues, and seemingly intractable interpersonal disputes. Her in-depth understanding of governmental and regulatory culture and processes are invaluable in assisting parties in mediation. Cindy is adept at identifying the pivotal issues in complex cases and in digesting large amounts of complex information. Her creativity plays an important role in assisting parties in generating and exploring options.See Projects
Adamant Accord’s Mediation Process
Adamant Accord works intensively with parties to clarify issues and interests and frame issues so that they are resolveable. Once the parties come to the table, Cindy assists them in articulating their interests and guides them in dealing with interpersonal issues. She is skilled at helping parties understand one another’s underlying interests and guides them through the negotiation process. Cindy works creatively to generate and explore options with parties and assists them in drafting and implementing sustainable agreements.
See Tips & Resources for “Reaching an Agreement through Negotiation”
Project Snapshot — Mediation
Decentralized Wastewater Management in Old Saybrook, Connecticut
Cindy was selected to serve as the mediator for a decades-old dispute between the Town of Old Saybrook and the State of Connecticut regarding wastewater management. She began the mediation process by meeting privately with all the key parties—both those who would be actively involved in the mediation and those who would be behind the scenes. She convened a meeting for town representatives and another for state officials, to clarify interests. Cindy then designed a mediation process that focused on first arriving at an agreement in principle, and then addressing implementation issues. She designed a communication plan so that the Department of Health representatives who had an active interest in the issues, but who would not be a part of the mediation, would be kept apprised of the progress of the mediation. After approximately ten months of intensive mediation regarding a host of complex technical and procedural issues, the parties reached agreement that allowed for the use of innovative on-site wastewater treatment technology, and convened a press conference to celebrate their success.